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CÂLINE Très Jolie

The secret of unlimited femininity

CÂLINE Très Jolie - opens up a unique world of unlimited femininity. The high-quality design and exquisite scent combination come together to create an olfactory masterpiece. The elegant gold accents and deep black highlight the exceptional composition of feminine notes of jasmine and orange blossom, as well as the contrasting essence of lavender and musk. The desire for unbridled freedom and limitless femininity is uncompromisingly celebrated through this powerful scent combination.

Free like the wind, CÂLINE Très Jolie lets the fragrance notes flow into a creation. The Eau de parfum combines the noble notes of lavender and mandarin, giving a feminine and sensual allure. The warm accords of tonka bean, combined with a creamy touch of musk and vanilla, complete the fragrance experience. CÂLINE Très Jolie confirms the infinite possibilities of today's fragrance world and awakens the untamed feeling of boundless femininity.

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