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Strenesse is back.

German roots, international standards, contemporary aesthetics - this is how the designer label Strenesse is making its return to the market. The launch of four new Strenesse fragrances marks the starting point of the debut.

With minimalist style and the highest standards of quality and workmanship, Strenesse, founded in 1949 as a family business, established itself as an important player in the international fashion business in the 1990s. Now the label is back with a new team, a strong strategy, contemporary design and resounding dynamism. The first big bang is the launch of a holistic fragrance concept.

The philosophy of the relaunch remains committed to the tradition of the brand: subtle understatement paired with the highest standards of quality stands for real statements. In fashion as well as in the world of fragrances. Immerse yourself in a new chapter of Strenesse. The future begins now: Strenesse for all the senses.

The range of Strenesse

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